SNY Research Co




Explore the fascinating worlds of tropane-alkaloids using our Scopolamine Research powder. This powerful compound, also known as Hyoscine or Burundanga or Devil’s Breath is derived by nightshade plants such as henbane and jimsonweed.

Scopolamine is a colorless, crystalline solid that can have a yellowish tint if it’s impure. It is a powerful anticholinergic and offers a great opportunity for research into the functions and roles of acetylcholine within the brain and body.

Product Specifications

  • Scopolamine Research Powder
  • Hyoscine Chemical Name
  • CAS number: 51-34-3
  • Appearance : Crystals of colorless or slightly yellow.
  • Dosage varies according to research needs

Researchers should be extremely cautious when handling Scopolamine due to its potency and the potential for misuse. Start with a small dose and increase it as needed. Check the legal status before buying Scopolamine.

Disclaimer This product was only intended for research. This product is not intended for human consumption.

Scopolamine Research powder is a high-quality product that will enhance your research abilities. Order now to explore the fascinating field of tropanealkaloids.


Scopolamine is also known as Hyoscine or Burundanga. It’s a tropane-alkaloid derived by plants of the nightshade, like henbane and jimsonweed. It has been used as a powerful medicine for centuries. Its CAS is 51-34-3.

Chemical Information

Scopolamine has the molecular formula C17H21NO4. It is classified as tropane alkaloid and known for its strong anticholinergic effects.

It is usually a colorless crystalline solid. However, it can have a yellowish tint if unpure. The substance is usually found as a salt of hydrobromide for research and medical purposes.

Uses and effects

Scopolamine is used in many different ways by modern medicine. Scopolamine is primarily used for motion sickness, postoperative nausea and vomiting and to treat motion. It blocks the action of acetylcholine a neurotransmitter that is involved in many bodily functions, such as memory and muscle movement.

Scopolamine, in higher doses can cause psychoactive effects such as amnesia and delirium, which is why it has become known as a “mind control drug” or a “truth serum”. These effects are dangerous and can have serious health implications if misused.


Scopolamine dosage varies depending on the intended use. In the medical context, scopolamine is usually administered via a transdermal patches, oral tablets, or injection. The patch is designed to release a constant dose of the medication over a period of several days in order to reduce motion sickness.

Use this powerful substance with extreme caution when using it for research. When handling scopolamine, always consult a medical professional or an experienced researcher.

Scopolamine, despite its medical use, is classified as a prescribed drug in many jurisdictions because of its potential misuse and adverse effects. Verify the legal status of your purchase before making a purchase.

Disclaimer This information is only provided for educational purposes and research. This information is not meant to promote the use of any substance. Consult your healthcare provider before taking any new substance, particularly those with psychoactive effects.

Weight N/A

1000G, 100G, 250G, 500G, 50G


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