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Dive into a world of sensory exploration using 5-MeO DiPT, a powerful and unique psychedelic substance known for its distinct auditory and tactile effect. Our 5-MeO DiPT, developed by Dr. Alexander Shulgin and of the highest quality, offers an experience unlike any other. It combines synesthetic perceptions along with introspective insight. This fascinating substance is ideal for researchers and Psychonauts in areas where it’s legal. It should be used with caution for an unforgettable experience.

5-Methoxy-N,N-diisopropyltryptamine, commonly known as 5-MeO-DiPT or “Foxy,” is a synthetic psychedelic tryptamine that has piqued the interest of researchers and psychonauts worldwide. This compound was developed by Dr. Alexander Shulgin in the late 20th Century. It is known for its unique auditory and tactile effects, which make it a fascinating substance to explore. Our online shop offers 5-MeO DiPT of the highest quality for those who want to explore this fascinating compound.


Alexander Shulgin was the first chemist to synthesize 5-MeO DiPT in 1979. He is a renowned psychedelic substance creator and discoverer. Shulgin, in his seminal work “TiHKAL : Tryptamines i Have Known and loved”, detailed the synthesis and effects of 5-MeO DiPT as well as many other tryptamines. This compound has gained popularity among recreational users and researchers who enjoy its unique sensory effects.

Chemical Information

  • CAS Number 4021-34-5
  • Drug Class: Psychedelic tryptamine
  • Chemical Name: 5-Methoxy-N,N-diisopropyltryptamine
  • Molecular Formula C17H26N2O
  • Color and Shape: 5-MeO DiPT can be found as a powder or crystalline substance. Its colors range from pale beige to off-white. Impurities during the synthesis may change the color of the compound.

Uses and effects:

5-MeO DiPT is a powerful psychedelic that binds primarily to serotonin-receptors in the brain. It produces a variety of effects, including visual and auditory illusions, enhanced tactile sensations and altered states. Users often experience distinct auditory effects due to the unique sensory profile of 5-MeO-DiPT. These include the perception of synesthesia or the merging senses where sounds can be “seen” and “felt”.

In addition to its sensory effects, 5-MeO DiPT can induce emotional and introspective feelings, such as empathy, euphoria and personal insight. As with any psychoactive drug, experiences can vary. It is important to use caution when taking 5-MeODiPT.


The dose of 5-MeO DiPT depends on the person and their desired experience level. It is important to start low with any psychedelic substance to get a feel for how it affects the body and mind. The typical dosage range for psychedelics is:

  • Threshold: 2- 5 mg
  • Light: 5-10 mg
  • Common: 10-20 mg
  • Strong: 20-30 mg

Note that these ranges of dosage are not universally applicable and personal experiences can vary. Start with a low dose and increase it as necessary.


5-MeO DiPT is an extremely powerful and unique psychedelic substance that offers a sensory journey with a blend of auditory, tactile and introspective effects. This substance was developed by Dr. Alexander Shulgin and is a favorite among both psychonauts and researchers. We offer high-quality 5-MeO DiPT in our online store for those who are interested in learning more about the fascinating properties of this compound. Always use caution and start low.


Weight N/A

1000G, 100G, 250G, 500G, 50G


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